The Ascension welcomes Christians and those who seek to connect to Christianity in the Plumstead area.
We aim to make contact with and encourage others to join us on our Christian journey.
We are a friendly Christian community where we welcome others to join us in our worship and service to God.
Everyone is welcome, no matter your age or background. Come just as you are - we'd love to get to know you better.
The Ascension can be found on Timbercroft Lane and Ancaster Street. We care deeply about our local community and all who live here. We want to work in partnership with our community to make our local area even better than it already is!
The church was built to the designs of the architect A E Habershon. Building work started in 1903. The west and east ends were added in 1911. The accommodation comprises nave and side aisles, chancel and sanctuary, vestry and organ chamber on the north side and a Lady Chapel on the south side. There is an entrance lobby at the west end and porches at the east end of the north and south Aisles. The church is constructed in the gothic style in yellow London Stock bricks with coloured terracotta details to window arches, cills, copings, etc.
The nave, aisles, chancel and sanctuary, choir vestry, organ chamber and Lady Chapel are covered in pitched slated roofs. The sacristy is covered with a flat roof.
In 2010, The Ascension joined Saint Mark with Saint Margaret to form the Plumstead Common United Benefice - two parishes with separate identities as worshipping communities, but striving to unite by combining our resources, our gifts and the responsibility to profess and live out the Christian faith in the Plumstead Common area.
We belong to the Church of England. We see ourselves as both traditional and modern. We seek to be open and inclusive.
The Acension
Timbercroft Lane
SE18 2SG
St Mark with St Margaret
Old Mill Road
SE18 1QE
Assistant vicar (both churches): Fr Berhane Asmelash 07838 167 198
St Mark’s Hall hire: Jill Creed 0208 317 3907 (evenings only)